Notes From The Scenic Route To Finally Going All The Way
Life’s never been one thing and never will be, nor will we.
I don’t mean to sound like a pretentious arrogant prick but most of Bukowski’s best advice came naturally to me before I ever heard of dude. I couldn’t wrap my mind around the kids in my class who struggled with the most basic writing assignments. I didn’t get it. I assumed they didn’t enjoy it and simply refused.
Come to find out, I’m just better than, well — many people who have tried their hand at this as well as many who still do regularly. I don’t do a lot well, but I know when I'm good at something or it comes more naturally to me, mainly because I’m a human with a fully formed brain and a hyper sense of self-awareness. for better or worse. I know what I am, as well as what I am not and never will be. I’m a hundred percent sure of what I do and don't want. I’m somehow even more sure than that if I give this and the life I do want my full attention, focus, and dedication — there is no telling what my life could potentially look like in five years.
And I’ve seen far too many people spend damn near the same half of a decade talking about what they were going to do, you know when circumstances were perfect and some figment of their imagination their fear created gives them permission to. You’d have…