There Was Just a Fatal Shooting At The High School I Graduated From

Brian Brewington
3 min readFeb 1, 2018
Abraham Lincoln High School, Philadelphia PA — Where I graduated from

What a surreal feeling it is to have typed the headline above and know it to be true. What I find almost as sad as the shooting that just took place itself is how often in today’s world a similar headline is typed. How numb we’ve become to the words school shooting, the same ones the media tries their damnedest to sensationalize. This wasn’t a sensational headline, it’s just my reality.

A 32 year old man was shot and killed just outside of the gymnasium of where I went to high school, three blocks away from where I live, in the very same spot I pass almost everyday on my morning run.

A fight broke out while there was a basketball game going on inside the gym, a fight that resulted in a man’s death. One I imagine was over something so minuscule and senseless, even the shooter who managed to get away won’t remember what it was over in a month. Yet a human being lost their life over it.

The school was immediately put on lock down, which happened once when I was a student there as well. A fight broke out as I was eating lunch and a student tried to grab the gun off of the hip of the officer who did his best to break the fight up. An all out riot broke out. I immediately left, went home and watched the rest from the safety of my couch. Luckily, nobody was seriously hurt that day.



Brian Brewington

Writing About the Human Condition, via My Thoughts, Observations, Experiences, and Opinions — Founder of Journal of Journeys and BRB INC ©