You know, it just occurred to me that every last one of you, are probably right. But even if that's so, most of you still missed the point ENTIRELY.
I promise, I know myself better than any of you know me. This piece was meant to be subtly self critical, thus the reason the woman "likely doesn't exist", in my perspective, because it is a list that would be not only difficult for someone to check every notch of, but also one I made that way on purpose, as to express that I understand how difficult I can be. It was expressing that whatever my flaws are, I'm aware of them and honest about them. I'm literally listing them for you, in a way. I didn't need any of you to pile on further, or to really say anything at all, really.
Its not the fact a fair number of people didn't like this that bothered me, I promise I'm not new here or at this and would not have made it as long as I have doing this, if I couldn't tolerate negative comments from people who don't know me--it was just how misinterpreted literally almost every word was by so many of you. Along with a bunch I never said at all.
Also, for those of you reading this who want the latest thing you wrote to get pushed by Medium, have it gain a bunch of traffic, claps and comments, read through the comments section of this post and ask yourself if that's really something, anyone anywhere should openly welcome into their lives?
I was being berated by people who don't know me, and still likely am actually I just stopped reading, regularly over the past few weeks. Not really what its cracked up to be, I promise you.